I went to visit my gynecologist today, after work for examination. we started with the same procedure routine. I started to not pay attention to her...lol..cause i was thinking of her to ask me to get undressed. after all the talk, she gave me a rob and told me to get undress, then i was like, wow! (in my fantastic mind) of course, I been waiting for this moment! lol...I got undressed, while she put on her gloves. I started breathing heavily--Thinking that she was gonna sense that am horny. As she came closer and started to examine my boobies, I started to sweat...lol..She asked me, are you alright, I said, yes. just terrified. she replied,. just try to relax.
I sat on the examine chair, pushed my naked ass on it, open my vagina wide, placed my feet on some metal striupps or whatever it's called. She got her speculum to hold my vagina lips. I started to imagine it's her fingers which were holding my vagina lips, got a mused by imagining that, she is was gonna lick my clitoris.lol....Oh well, it was all in my imaginary pussy brain. She finished with all the bla bla checking. Here is what got me even more excited. When she insert her lubricated glove fingers inside and started to slide them inside my vagina. It felt so damn good, I could and feel my pussy was getting very tense and to explored cum...lol, But damn it..the fingering session didn't last that longer :(...though i can't complain....lol....anyway, before i left her office. I asked her if i could use her restroom aka toilet, I jerked off myself thinking of her and left happily. I can't wait for the next appointment...lol...